Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Was it just yesterday when (WIJYW)..... < Dedicated to 2009-11 batch and timeless experience at SPJIMR>

Was it just yesterday when, (WIJYW)

We forgot all our strives…

And walked into each other’s lives


We helped and advised…

Or just cribbed and criticized


Together we achieved and cheered…

Or just hoped, prayed and feared


We ‘held on’ and tried…

Or just ‘gave up’ and cried


We agreed to put up a fight…

Or just argued and reconciled


We loved and cared…

Or just the stories we often shared

For all these moments – high or low,

Deep inside we all know…

It’s sure to leave us some pain,

Because it will never be the same again…

Was it just yesterday when,

We promised to be there today, tomorrow and whenever,

For we are a family of 178 forever…

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