Title: THE KITE RUNNER (Now a motion film)
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Bloomsbury Publications
Price : £ 7.99
Points: 4 out of 5
" It pulls every string of emotion in your heart.Engrossing and inspiring."
" When guilt leads to good , its called redemption." A hundred such great thoughts and an inspiring story makes it one of the most enjoyable and fascinating journies, a journey not just though geographical borders but through a ocean of human emotions, through a quest of right or wrong,guilt, grief, anger and devotion.I will refrain from calling it a 'book' for it will be undermining the creativity and the ability of its author to make the characters so lively that you never feel like reading a book, you are always living the life of its main charcter: laughing, playing,developing,growing, crying with him as the story progresses.
The story is based in Afghanistan,Pakistan & California on the life of its central character Amir and how he unknowingly (or because of the circumstances) commits a few mistakes which creates a 'hole' in him and how he goes all the way back to set the things right.To get redemption.The story highlights the transition that made Afghanistan , what it is today. It pulls every string of emotion in your heart and at the same time is full of rich humour and instances that leave you spellbound.
This very ability of reaching to the bottum of human feelings and expressions makes him one of the most inspiring writers to write on issues of social significance.I end here with a few more inspiring lines from this novel.
"There is only one sin .And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft.When you kill a man, you steal a life.You steal his wife's right to husband, rob his children of a father.When you tell a lie, you steal someone' right to the truth.When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness."
PS: To know more about the author and his initiatives, visit http://www.khaledhosseini.com/
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